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Manjung recent comments:

  • Taska Khadijah, shahali wrote 16 years ago:
    Who are you ? Pls introduce yourself or be deleted.
  • JKR Daerah Manjung, shahali wrote 16 years ago:
    Since 1980's
  • Hospital Seri Manjung, shahali wrote 16 years ago:
    I was admitted to the ward for 4 days in 1997. Good services and environment. Just need to improved profesionalisme in emergency ward, but it was back then.
  • Crystal Hotel Sitiawan, guest 101 (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    Harga Bilik ST dari harga RM80.00 sahaja. Yang paling tinggi pun hanya RM140.00 .Ada bath tub! Tengah-tengah bandar Sitiawan.
  • Sek. Men. Seri Manjung, shahali wrote 16 years ago:
    Happy Teacher (2009) day to all SMSM teacher. Especially for former teacher Ustaz Abdul Rahman, Ustaz Maliki Jusoh, En. Md Dah Hassan, En. Adnan, En. Ramli, En. Chan, Pn. Lee, Pn. Joyce, En. Kamarudin, En. Arshad, Cikgu Rosni dan Pn. Salmah. Class of 96.
  • Wisma Ganda / Courts Retail Sitiawan, shahali wrote 16 years ago:
    Here once there is Parkson Grand back in 80's. Nevertheless, it is too exclusive for the Manjung people that at the end it had to be close.
  • IKM Lumut, Seri Manjung, shahali wrote 16 years ago:
    Seri Manjung dibangunkan bagi menyokong pembangunan Pelabuhan Lumut dan Setiawan pada awal tahun 1980-an. Pada masa yg sama, pangkalan tentera laut Malaysia di Woodland, Singapura hendak dipindahkan ke Lumut. Bagi menampung keperluan2 tersebut, IKM dan UiTM Manjung telah dibina.
  • Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Manjung, shahali wrote 16 years ago:
    I'd removed the 'Fasa 2C' after no action taken. 25 April 2009
  • IKM Lumut, Seri Manjung, pelatih sklr 08-09.hilmey (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    sy salah seorg lepasan ikm lumut.pd tenaga pengajar kos mengucap kan ribuan terima kasih...krna telah memberi ilmu yg tidak terhingga....terutama pd encik malik,encik zakiria,mama,puan suzana,encik azrul,encik kahar,pd kj encik zual.jasa cikgu2 semua xkan sy lupe sampai sy mati..semoga cikgu2 semua tergolong brsama2 org yg beriman.....
  • Bangunan Seni Bina & TLKM, emy lubuk (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    ni le bgunan kos aku....aku belajar kt sini 2007-2009
  • Wantan Dumpling Specialty, norzen (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    tol ka sedap..tokeh dia org kedah?
  • Sitiawan Post Office, nolimitanggere wrote 16 years ago:
    currently undergoing renovation
  • Taman Paya Bakau, A_Syaharuddin_K wrote 16 years ago:
    Yeah.. Save & Love our nature. Remember.. do not feed the monkeys..esp ..junk food. (junk food chemicals can create the hyperactive habits)
  • Al-Abadi Kedai Makan, manjung xpert (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    ni kedai makan daa..
  • SJK (T) Gandhi Sitiawan, MsJ (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    The new name for this school is SK SIMPANG EMPAT, SITIAWAN
  • Sitiawan Bowling Centre, MsJ (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    This place needed a new look. It's not too nice to hang out there for a long time.
  • Econsave, aiman (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
  • Sitiawan Foodcourt, nolimitanggere wrote 16 years ago:
    the best place to satisfy the crave for Sate in Sitiawan. without doubt it's the best Sate / Satay in town.
  • Sri Ramulu Enterprise, raju (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    apa cerita
  • Sitiawan Police Station, nolimitanggere wrote 16 years ago:
    place already edited. thanks for the info.